Tuesday, march 21, 7.30 PM
Seeing the Other: Sacred Listening & Portraits
For 20 years, Daniel Epstein has travelled the world for business and for faith. He has interviewed 500 people in 27 countries. In addition to an interview, Daniel would make a black and white portrait of each person meant to express their true spirit especially as shown through their eyes… The message of Portraits in Faith is that all of humanity (really all of creation) is on a spiritual journey together and that there is no "other" …
About the Speaker
Daniel Epstein
Daniel Epstein is Marketing & Innovation Consultant based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was previously a Harley Procter Marketing Director at Procter & Gamble where he was employed for 21 years. It was during his tenure at P&G that he conducted most of the Portraits In Faith interviews. He has an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management in Evanston, Illinois and a BBA in Accounting from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Digitized Resource
Black and white photographs of Cuban Jewish community gatherings in the 1940s-1950s from the Price Library’s Cuban Judaica collection:
All of the materials in the Cuban Judaica collection were digitized onsite in the Biblioteca del Patronato de la Casa de la Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba in Havana, Cuba. The Biblioteca’s holdings provide a complete snapshot of Cuban Jewish intellectual, cultural, religious and political life as it evolved and progressed during the 20th century. To browse the collection, see: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/collections/cubanjudaica/results